Free QR Code Generator Online with Custom Logo

Create professional custom QR codes online instantly. Add your logo and generate QR codes for URLs, vCards, WiFi connections, emails, social media profiles, app downloads, SMS, and more—all completely free.

Phone Number QR Code

QR Code Preview

Custom QR Code Generator Features

Easily create QR codes for various purposes, customized exactly how you want:

No need to install software—just paste, generate, and copy in seconds.

How to Generate a Free Custom QR Code:

  1. Select Your QR Code Type: Choose from Link, vCard, WiFi, Text, SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, App Stores, Play Store, Phone number, or Scan.
  2. Enter Information: Fill in required details for your chosen QR code type.
  3. Customize Your QR Code: Add colors or upload your logo to personalize.
  4. Preview and Download: Generate instantly, preview online, and download your QR code in PNG, JPEG, or SVG.

Need multiple UUIDs? Use our Bulk UUID Generator to create up to 500 UUIDs at once!

Most Asked FAQs About QR Code generator

1. Can I add my logo to the QR code?

Yes! Our free QR code generator supports uploading logos directly into your custom QR code.

2. Is this QR code generator completely free??

Absolutely! All QR code types, customization features, and downloads are completely free to use.

3. What formats can I download my QR codes in?

You can download your QR codes in PNG, JPEG, and SVG formats without registration or login

4. Do these QR codes expire??

No, QR codes generated through our website never expire and can be used indefinitely.

5. Where are UUIDs used?

UUIDs are widely used in databases, API authentication, distributed systems, and cryptographic security.

6. Can I generate QR codes for WiFi networks and vCards?

Yes, easily create WiFi QR codes to share network details and vCard QR codes for contacts.